In fact, a couple of days ago I updated my twitter state saying “Ayn Rand makes my stomach turn but I can´t put Atlas shrugged down.”
Category: FILM
Argentino Hotel, Piriapolis; one man’s dream
“Piria can be found in everything his iron will created. He was a man who had a dream, made it real, and lives in it”
Film sees the light!
Ever since I got involved in filmmaking, I was aware of a desire to move people
How I found the music of my film RAUL, the charrua
As a devout music lover, I knew that the music of my film would have to be very special.
Editing my film in Los Angeles A photo journal
I have a knack for doing things in a non-traditional way. My LA film editing was no exception to the rule.
How I met Miss Tacuarembo
The story of how I met Dani Umpi, some 15 years ago is quite curious. I was crossing a desert,
At Los Angeles Film Festival 2010
LA Film Festival 2010, the changing landscape of film distribution, how LA public transportation surprisingly works, and some notes on the peculiar film festival fauna.
Young forever; A movie project that changed my life.
Nothing has been the same since I met Raul. A movie project that changed my life.
Valley days, Hollywood nights
Sunny days in the Valley and crazy nights in Hollywood, or sort of…