Men’s vs Women’s Holiday Habits Exposed – Johnny Depp’s wife will not be thrilled…

I’ve heard it’s been raining heavily in Britain during late Spring and early Summer. Apparently, it has been the wettest June on record, and forecasts for July are not very promising either. This made me curious about what Brits were doing to escape their disagreeable summer. I was actually planning to write about favorite destinations for Brits in the summer, but I found this little infographic, I think that’s what you call it, and I thought it’d be cool to share it with my readers.

When we think about couple’s holidays, we tend to have this romantic idea in our heads, sunshine, relaxation and everything is just PERFECT. The amusing statistics in this video go to show that not all is that perfect in paradise, as men and women have very different ideas about what perfect would be. It seems to be that the ideal vacation for women would involve packing to much, taking hours to get ready and drinking little by the side of their ideal holiday-partner Mr. Johnny Depp.

While I was not surprised by women choosing Johnny Depp as their ideal companion for a week in the sun, I venture to propose a theory about why women are choosing him: I think it has much more to do with the way he talks about his wife, the delightful Vanessa Paradis, and their little girls than with his looks or anything else. (He owns the island in the picture, so, I suppose that’s an asset too…) Since I mentioned Vanessa, if you are travelling with kids, try to get a copy of A monster in Paris, an animated movie she just did, my nieces just LOVE IT.

Anyways, there are many more interesting and fun facts in the video, one of the most intriguing is the name of the man both men and women would love to share a holiday with. Probably the most surprising fact is that 1% of men will get a bikini wax before going on holiday, who knew?

So, without further ado, here is the video infographic. Happy holidays! (and good luck trying to find harmony between the sexes…)


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