Make America Grope Again – My Take on Trump´s Pussygate for TBS


Donald Trump’s robotic teleprompter-induced apology about talking about touching women’s privates without asking for their permission, is yet another reminder that the U.S. election is going to be decided exactly like a wrestling match. Did anybody doubt that Trump looks down on women? Wasn’t the fact that he has married one Barbie after another proof enough? Should we really act shocked? Surprised?

This war of the scandals that decides elections is nothing new. But only the people are losing the battle. Every minute spent discussing what Trump said and what Clinton said, what mistake they made 15 years go, is a minute lost in discussing the issues that really matter.

Frankly, I cannot be outraged anymore. One scandal after another, it can render you numb to the whole thing. So, what? Trump wants to grab your pussy (if you have one). This is a man who wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans out of the US and possibly wants to go and bomb some more Middle Eastern countries to “respond with force” to terrorism. And all we care about is that he said he wanted to grab a woman’s genitals?

Granted, the Trump not only talked the talk, he also walked the walk. He has been sued for attempted rape. For Jill Harth, the alleged victim, the media circus we are witnessing has entirely different connotations. She has expressed relief, because now people will believe her allegations.

People appalled by the possibility of a Trump-run America may welcome the latest developments in this dirty race as a way out of impending doom. But I believe we should all be lamenting the demise of true democracy. For the system requires people who can think for themselves and make their own decisions.

When people are steered by the nose and manipulated so easily, when ideas cease to matter, and political shows look a lot like celebrity gossip shows, democracy suffers. Every time a sensationalist, scandalous video involving one of the candidates goes viral, we, the people, lose a little bit of power.



                                                Trump´s apology video

Every time a candidate robotically reads from a teleprompter words written by a ghostwriter under the supervision of a mercenary advisor, we move further away from democracy and closer to a sinister puppet show. And while it may seem like the puppets are the candidates, in true “Veep” spirit, the reality is that it’s us who are the puppets. We become outraged as the media expects, we repeat the words and ideas of news commentators –Fox News or CNN, your pick– we can no longer decide, because all the decisions have been made for us beforehand.

In no time, whoever wins, Bill and Hillary will have Trump and wife #X over for dinner, and they will have a jolly good time. Bill and Donnie will compare their groped-pussy collections, and everyone will have a hearty laugh. Meanwhile, democracy will remain the empty vessel it has already become.

This article first appeared on The Big Smoke America

Nude Trump painting by Illma Gore

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