Anytime I spend too long a time in Uruguay, I tend to get a bit restless. At times like these, BA is always calling me with its mermaid song.
Category: South America
El poder de la rima: Dante Spinetta & Contra las Cuerdas
Dentro del hip hop reconozco una incuestionable superioridad lírica al hip hop y el rap latinos
Argentino Hotel, Piriapolis; one man’s dream
“Piria can be found in everything his iron will created. He was a man who had a dream, made it real, and lives in it”
Film sees the light!
Ever since I got involved in filmmaking, I was aware of a desire to move people
No ode to Uruguayan men
I don´t wish to sleep
with soccer lovers
who want me to be proper
and hand them
the remote
Juan Pablo Chapital en Sala Zitarrosa Parte 2
Volviendo a Opi, para continuar con el orden cronológico de los temas, realmente ese escenario se quedaba chico para contener tanto swing.
Juan Pablo Chapital en Sala Zitarrosa PARTE 1
En un momento del show, Chapa confesó que ese era el día más feliz de su vida.
Best hotels in Montevideo
From 5 star international to gay-friendly retro and they ALL offer unforgettable views
Del Príncipe a Eli-u
Lo que proponía el Príncipe era totalmente un CANTO A LA VIDA, muy alejado de la imagen del artista torturado que es tan cliché en el imaginario nacional.
Living the Sheraton spa
If I say the Sheraton spa and meeting Raul saved my life, I´m not exaggerating.