I fell in love with Cuba instantly. Reflections on a magical country ridden with contradictions.
Author: Veronica
PIRAEUS/ATHENS: There’s life beyond the Acropolis
The beaches, shopping, Poseidon’s temple, and the best moussaka in the world.
El poder de la rima: Dante Spinetta & Contra las Cuerdas
Dentro del hip hop reconozco una incuestionable superioridad lírica al hip hop y el rap latinos
BARCELONA, Gaudí´s eternal love
I didn’t fall in love with Barcelona at first sight, but it grew in me, until it became one of my favorite cities in the world.
Beto Satragni y el cuidado del alma
La música de un país constituye su alma, y descuidar a los músicos que le dan forma es un poco como descuidar la propia alma.
Catch 22, Seinfeld, and Ayn Rand
In fact, a couple of days ago I updated my twitter state saying “Ayn Rand makes my stomach turn but I can´t put Atlas shrugged down.”
Argentino Hotel, Piriapolis; one man’s dream
“Piria can be found in everything his iron will created. He was a man who had a dream, made it real, and lives in it”
Film sees the light!
Ever since I got involved in filmmaking, I was aware of a desire to move people
No ode to Uruguayan men
I don´t wish to sleep
with soccer lovers
who want me to be proper
and hand them
the remote
Ideals of beauty around the world
People with little travel experience may be unaware of how much ideals of beauty vary around the world.