5 Easy Ways to Take a Green Vacation

Heavy tourism is often connected to predatory environmental practices. Travelers flock into popular destinations, take whatever they want, leave their trash to pollute the places they chose because they were originally unpolluted in the first place, and go back home without taking any responsibility for their actions. But there is a different way of traveling that can help preserve beautiful places just as they are.

While It may sometimes seem like traveling with your eco-friendly values is impossible, there are actually many easy ways to take your green lifestyle with you.

Limit transportation

Transportation is inherent to travel; it is also one of the biggest causes of pollution. Naturally, it is impossible to see the world without hopping on a plane or sailing the ocean, but there are measures you can take to minimize your environmental impact while traveling. If you are really serious about reducing your carbon footprint during an upcoming trip, choose a destination that doesn’t require you to fly. Planes use a lot of fuel to take off and land, and there is nothing eco-friendly about them.

If you absolutely must travel by plane, try to choose a flight with minimal stops. The more a plane has to take off and land, the more carbon emissions it disperses. There are also other ways to cut down on your transportation emissions. Consider staying in a hotel where you can walk or bike to everything. It is not only healthy for you, but it also limits the emissions you might have caused by taking a car. Using public transportation is another eco-friendly way to get around.

Reuse, reduce, recycle

You probably already follow the three R’s at home, but there is no reason to throw them out the window when you travel. Take a reusable water bottle with you to refrain from using disposable bottles or cans that cause pollution. If you have to purchase bottled products, make sure you recycle.

In some areas of the world, water is a scarce resource. No matter where you may be, it is important to use resources conservatively. Some simple ways to reduce water consumption include taking short showers and informing housekeeping that you don’t need your linens washed and replaced every day.

recycle bottle underwaterGo local

Part of the bliss of traveling has to do with enjoying your surroundings. What can be a better way to immerse yourself in a certain culture than hiring a local tour guide? You are not only likely to learn more about the culture, you could also get a more personal tour than by dealing with a large tourism company.

It takes a lot of energy to import food. From transportation to refrigeration, getting food to your table can take eco-friendliness right out of your vacation. Steer clear of this carbon footprint booster by eating local foods. Native fruits and vegetables will not only be fresher, but they will also be easier to get, thus further reducing your carbon footprint.

Find a green hotel

As the green movement sweeps across the world, green hotels seem to be popping up every day. Look for a hotel that is a member of the Green Hotels Association. These hotels are committed to minimizing their environmental impact through a variety of eco-friendly initiatives.

Finding a green hotel is fairly easy, since many companies gladly share the details of their environmentally friendly practices on their websites and other media. If in doubt, you can also call hotels you are considering and ask them about their green practices.

Reduce energy use at home

Before you even start your trip, take a look at how you can reduce energy use in your home. For example, you don’t have to make your home comfortable when you are on vacation. Turn off the air conditioner, fridge, and heater to save energy. Why have them running if no one is there? Unplug any unused devices. Your TV, computer, DVD player and coffee maker continue to use energy even when they are turned off. Unplugging them altogether ensures that they will not be adding to your carbon footprint while you are away.

Finally, if you are looking for a cleaner energy option for your home, you can choose a specialized company like www.EnergyProvidersTexas.com. There are many energy suppliers who offer green energy, or at least the option to purchase renewable energy credits to offset your energy use. By purchasing green energy, you can rest assured that your home will stay green, even when you are on vacation.

Find more green travelling tips on this previous Go Green blog.

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